
In search form, all html objects are called criteria. Users make searches by using them. They have a lot of attributes. These attributes describe the criterion and what kind of features it should be have. Let's take a look these attributes.

Search Form

Criterion Atributes

Here is the given attributes of a data cell below.

Criterion Atributes

Atribute List

Attribute Default Value Values Input Type Description
Alias null null textbox Title of the criterion.
Data Type string string, int, float, date single select Data type of the criterion value.
Help Text null null textarea A simple information text about related criterion.
Enum false true, false radio Criterion seems as a dropdown if true.
Full Text false true, false radio If true, criterion makes full text search.
Custom Validation null null textbox User defined validation string.
Hidden In Advanced Search false true, false radio Hides criterion html object in search form.
Select Segment null Created segments single select Make group in search form.
Additional Criteria null null textbox
Preprocess false true, false radio Enable preprocess.
Related Data Cell null Created datacells multiple select Makes criterion-datacell relation.
Autocomplete true true, false radio if true, criterion input field has autcomplete faature
AC List null null textarea User defined autocomplete values seperated by enter.
Criteria null null textbox SQL part of autocomplete query. It should be start with AND or OR.
Sort Autocomplete Values true true, false radio Sorts autocomplete values ascending
Query null null textarea User defined autocomplete query.
Delimiter null null textbox Use defined seperator character of autocomplete values.